Saturday, October 15, 2011

In-depth learning about the Cupping

1. What is Cupping?
Cupping is a therpy treatment and prevention of disease by phlebotomy dirty, toxic, dead and diseased from the body through the skin surface.
2. Cupping where it came from?
Cupping originated from the middle east since the days of prophecy. The practice of cupping has been done since centuries ago.
3. Anyone who may dibekam?
Anyone can dibekam with the exception of generally as follows:
- Children under 9 years.
- Parents who are very weak.
- Who have low blood pressure below 90/70.
- Who has diabetes that has caused gangrene.
- Moderate high fever.
- Pregnant women.
- The woman is menstruating.
4. Why Cupping is said to the best of treatment?
Treatment with cupping therapy is a preventive and curative treatment measures. Directly removing the disease, cleanse and improve the quality and mlancarkan blood circulation in the body. Thus the immune system will increase and the body will be more immune / resistant to attacks of various diseases.

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad also stated in the hadith narrated by Ahmad that "The best treatment that you are doing is to Hijamah (bruise)"
5. Are non-Muslims should dibekam?
Islam or the Prophet Muhammad did not forbid anyone to berbekam. Health is the right of every human being, whether Muslim or not.
6. What tools are used for therapy Cupping?
Our equipment (Health Clinic Al Qanun) use is equipment that meets the standards of modern medical equipment. Commonly used equipment is disposal (disposable waste). And for a tool that is used repeatedly (cupping sets) will be sterilized by the sterilization process of modern health standards.
7. What diseases can be cured by Cupping Therapy?
Hopefully almost all diseases can be cured by Cupping therapy.
And the most benefit are people with the disease as follows:
- High cholesterol.
- High blood pressure.
- Heart.
- Uric acid.
- Migraines / headaches.
- Stroke.
- Diabetes.
- Problems of the eye.
- Rheumatism.
- Asthma.
- Neck / shoulder stiffness / fatigue.
- Easy to catch a cold.
- Leg numbness.
- Swollen feet.
- Heart / Liver.
- Vertigo.
- Failure of silicone injections that cause swelling.
8. Cupping therapy How long time?
Cupping Therapy will take 30-90 minutes, depending on conditions and diseases suffered by patients.
9. Is it okay often dibekam?
How often should dibekam depending on the condition of the patient's illness. For health maintenance Cupping therapy is recommended at 1 month.
10. Is really bruise Sunnah by the Prophet Muhammad?
Prophet in his memoirs berbekam periodically about 3 months. And the Prophet never dibekam dipuncak head when bewitched by a Jewish healer.
11. I want to learn to be a therapist Cupping, where is the training?
You can contact Healthy Griya Therapy (under the banner of "Healthy Cupping International") to learn to be a therapist bruise.
12. Which one is better berbekam with a knife or a needle?
Which is much better relative, depending on the quality of the therapy is performed. But in general the use of needles with a very effective right to remove dirty blood.
13. Is there any possibility of malpractice at the time of Cupping Therapy?
Malpractice can occur anywhere, including at the time of cupping therapy. But malpractice on the bruise is very rare because the process of cupping therapy only a few microns below the skin surface.

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