Friday, September 2, 2011

Benincasa hispida as natural remedy for clearing the lungs

What is certain herbs bligu (Benincasa hispida (Thunb,) Cogn.) Has a good sense as good as its benefits.
This plant has a spreading growth properties. The trunk of course woody, soft taste, there are feathers, and colored green. Single plant leaves, round, flat edges, and blunt ends, with a rounded base, has a length of about 10 to 17 cm, while the 9-15 cm wide, green. Herbs, natural medicine to cleanse lungs
The part used is usually the seeds and fruit.
SPECIAL PROPERTIES these natural herbs Sweet, is cool, and can clean the lungs. Based Hermanto RESEARCH, 1993, the plant has hemostatic properties, diuretic and expectorant.

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