In this article we will discuss about the benefits of soursop juice. Soursop itself is a fruit that has the Latin name of Annona muricata. This fruit comes from South America, but very popular in Indonesia because it is very easy to grow in various soil conditions.
The fruit is sour and sweet taste is often used as a juice (beverage) fresh. Soursop varied forms, ranging from oval to slightly oval elongated. Soursop fruit is ripe has a blackish-green skin. Benefits of soursop juice itself can be practically very diverse.
juice actually benefits not only to drink lozenges, but also useful for
treating various diseases such as malignant tumors and various kinds of
soursop juice kanker.Manfaat so great is because the soursop fruit
there are many high nutrient content that includes carbohydrates,
vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, minerals, phosphorus, calcium, and various kinds of fiber.
Benefits of soursop juice because of its nutrient content
Benefits of soursop fruit has actually been known since long. Ancient times the Indians of America have been using soursop for treating various diseases.
While the benefits of soursop juice itself known after the introduction of various studies about the content of soursop fruit.
Some of the benefits of soursop juice we can get, among others:
Prevent dengue fever and mouth sores and boost immunity. Soursop juice benefits can be obtained as soursop juice has vitamin C content is high enough.
Prevent osteoporosis. Soursop juice contains a variety of minerals. Soursop juice drink with a routine can help shape a healthy and strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.
Against illness from bacteria and fungi. Soursop juice benefits can be obtained because of the soursop juice content contained anti-bacteria and fungi.
Help facilitate the digestive process. Soursop
juice contains high fiber which is very useful for improving digestion
in the body and keep us from disease constipation and difficult
Soursop juice can increase energy because in there soursop juice content high enough carbohydrates. Soursop juice regularly can make our bodies look fresh and fit.
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